Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Lots of plants, lots of orchids, and honor for heads of state

Jenika's new house (yay - new house!) isn't too far from the Singapore Botanic Gardens. That, and one of Sahana's emerging favorite activities is to feed the swans and turtles. The Botanic Gardens ended up being a lovely place to go for a long walk.

Perhaps my favorite part was the walk in the National Orchid Garden. And the best and oddest part of that was in the VIP Orchid Garden. Apparently, whenever a foreign dignitary visits Singapore and the garden, the local scientists hybridize a new orchid and name it after that dignitary. This is making me want to be a head of state! See especially the one that was created by crossing a strand called the "spirit of volunteerism" with another strand.

In addition to the VIP orchids, there were so many other wonderful orchids. I tried to capture a few of them on camera.

There was also great foliage in the park, with some cool leaves and neat jungles.

And, for those of you who are curious, we did make it to the lake. The swans and turtles (and fish!) are well-fed.

1 comment:

  1. Joe,
    Your blog is awesome. I love checking it daily to read about your daily adventures! It's also great to see pics of Miss Sahana and Jenika.
    Lisa :) (Jenika's friend from SD)
