Saturday, May 1, 2010

Ode to the Mangosteen

My little friend,
you glorious, glorious creation
A small round of purple
A hard hard husk
One split, though, and I'm
Southern hemisphere separates
from north
and I see you
Part mango
you have texture
tongue-tasting texture
and richness too
Part steen
what is a steen, they always ask
don't they know
it's the rest of you
so segmented
yet so lopsided
perfectly steen-ish

I have carried you
for days
days on end
and I do not mind
not one bit
As it is true that I would eat you when the time was right
and so it was, and so you were,
and it was delicious
You provided me with refreshment,
when that is what I needed
But more too, rich taste,
the satisfaction of separating you in two

And then there was only one more
and I knew I must treasure it, treasure you
That is why, it was segment by segment,
not mangosteen by mangosteen,
to multiply the bites, to multiply the experience
Because you are my glorious little friend,
and I ate you


  1. award-winning poetry. i particularly like the last 4 words.

  2. I gotta hear it read in person by the author...I'll raincheck for about 3 mo's
