Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Did my whole train just get on a ferry?

I'm sad to be leaving Berlin, again. This town is just begging me to stay for awhile. But, leave I must. I have a train to Copenhagen to catch.

I board the train, a nice Euro City train run by Deutsche Bahn. It looks much like the trains in Mission Impossible, with sliding glass doors that automatically open and very plush seats. It barrels north.

Eventually, we begin to slow down, but differently than we would for a stop. Soon, a man comes on the PA saying we need to exit the train onto a ferry for 45 minutes, then we'll resume our train trip. Ok, sounds good. But do I take my bag or leave it?

My answer comes in the form of an unbelievable sight. The train is pulling on to the ferry. Not the ferry docks, or a ferry bridge, or anything else except for an actual seafaring ferry. The whole train, all at once.

I am shocked, amazed, and perplexed. They built a ferry that could hold a whole train? Wow. Complete with train tracks, the ferry does its job well, ferrying us into Copenhagen.

And with that new discovery in hand, I finish my journey to the first Scandinavian country of my life, Denmark.

1 comment:

  1. Joe, I had the exact same experience when I went to Copenhagen in 2001. I had no idea what was going -- my Deutsch was horrible at that point in study abroad. I didn't know where I was until I got up onto deck. Trippy!!!
