Sunday, August 1, 2010

Microbrew land

Both Germany and the Czech Republic are very big on beer. This has made me temporarily think of the blog as "What's That? I want to Eat and Drink It!" In that vein, we made our way to a microbrew pub in Prague called U Medvidku. They had a tempting arrange of beers available.

Slowly, we made our way through the selection.

The first two were, left to right, X33 and the seasonal Blood Beer. The X33 was touted as the strongest beer in the world. I can't speak to the veracity of that but it did pack a punch at 12.4% alcohol. It was much like a barleywine, sweet and thick. Not my favorite style of beer, but this was a good rendition. The blood beer was a dark red color. It was much lighter in taste than it appeared in person. An easy drink to imbibe.

The second batch brought us Oldgott and Budweiser Budvar. The Oldgott was my favorite of the night, with more hops than is normal in these parts. The glass was a great shape to rest and cool my hand in - the Prague heat was relentless, even at night. The Budvar was not actually made by the microbrew. Instead, this is the original Budweiser, with no known relation to its newer American version. A light pilsner, I prefer Pilsner Urquell myself. However, it was light years better than Bud in the States.

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